Physical Activity and Children Development

The right physical activity is very important for our children development. The more physical activity that you can do with your newborn child the more opportunities the infant will have to develop strong foundation of physical skills (by Dr. St Sanders, Professor, author of “Encouraging Physical Activity of Infants.”) Mobile lifestyle is quite natural for the child. All of his systems and organs are developing and formatting because of this mobility. First, musculoskeletal, muscular and respiratory systems. Cardiac muscle and blood vessels are trained and strengthened. The muscle in action needs 30% more nutrients and 70% more oxygen than the muscle at rest. Accordingly, metabolic processes in muscle tissue proceed more intensively in motion, which contributes to its growth and strengthening.  Physical activities promotes healthy growth and development. It helps build a healthier body composition, stronger bones and muscles. It also improves the child’s cardiovascular fitness.   

How body systems respond to a child’s physical activity

Due to constant muscles contractions and relaxation, the periosteum, the bone growth zone, in the places of their attachment reacts to irritation with enhanced cell division. In the result of this process the bones strengthening, growth, thickening and hardening. In addition, during gymnastics, the heart has to process a larger volume of blood because the blood flow increases. This helps to train and strengthen the heart muscle and vascular walls. The same thing happens with the lungs. By the means of more intensive breathing of the infants during massage and gymnastics lungs volume and the volume of the respiratory surface increase.

As you know, with infants, the mechanism of energy expenditure is also works in a special way. Unlike adults, they have very small amounts of heat at rest. Therefore, children on the streets easily freeze as soon as they stop moving, and quickly begin to sweat if they are active. In the process of child’s activity, except the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, the thermoregulation system is also involved. It helps for a children development from the beginning of their life.

Child development of brain

As you know, in the body all systems and organs are closely interconnected. As the famous physiologist I. M. Sechenov has written, “The work of muscles is the work of the brain”. This means that the higher the physical activity of a person, the more intense the metabolism and blood circulation is. In addition, brain cells get even more complete nutrition of with blood flow. The brain processes become more perfect and the central nervous system works in more balance. Conversely, with low physical activity, there is a delay in formation of regulation of the processes of excitation-inhibition.

Good mood as an important factor in baby development

For infants gymnastics is not only useful, but a pleasant and fun pastime. As you know, a person with positive attitude has vasodilatation and improves the nutrition of tissues and organs. This allows us to conclude the benefits of this event. The contrast in its effect on the organism of infants is a stressful state. When, on the contrary, both large vessels and capillaries had narrowed by the action of the specific hormones, and the nutrition of tissues accordingly reduced. A healthy baby is in motion almost the entire time he is awake. Moreover, those types of activity are most interesting to him when he acts in accordance with his own plans. Does what he wants, and not what he is forced to do. Exactly the cardiac activity of a positive-minded infant, together with the motor activity, performed in accordance with his brain, which will give the most complete result in the development of motor activity, strength and dexterity and initiative. From such mobility that the child will not get tired the longest. To do this, you need to equip the area for gymnastics in such way, that it can be interesting to the infant and he will want to go there. The design of the gymnastics room, toys and manuals located there should be all aimed at making the child be interested. It will help our children in their right and healthy development.

Therefore, we proved and told quite reasonably that movement and gymnastics for infants are not only a necessity, but a joy. It is no secret that the worst punishment for a child is the restriction of his activity. For example, setting against the wall, sitting down on a chair or leaving in the corner, while other children are running and playing. All these activities are extremely important for your child development.

Gymnastics the formation of the necessary skills for baby movement

We found out which movements (voluntary, of their own free will) are most preferable for infants. It remains to understood, why do child needs gymnastics?

Infants need gymnastics in order for them to be more agile, coordinated and strong in his games and other independent activities. We will not affect the child at the time of his games, directing and teaching him movements while he is absorbed in his activities. We will do it indirectly, through special complexes of gymnastic exercises. Only to reflect in the child automatic performance of the basic vital movements, to strengthen its muscular framework by gymnastics, it is possible to speak about harmonious physical development.

At a very early age, the child needs to begin to form the most basic stereotypes of movements. For instance, one of the first such movements is a coup from the back to the stomach. The child is being taught this movement at the age of about three months. This skill is needed to prevent various forms of curvature of the spine in case of improper movement during a back-to-back flip. Further, at the age of about six months, the child begins to develop the skill of crawling correctly on all fours. His arms and legs should develop evenly, with the same amount of employment. Next, at the age of about twelve months, the child is being taught how to walk properly, in order to his posture formed correctly and that the shape of the legs was also correct. Certainly, if the walking skill forms correctly, it will be a wonderful kind of sports load for a child in his adult life. This is what we call children development.

In conclusion, this is how the development of motor patterns happens in infants life. They are begun to lay them at a very young age, doing gymnastics and massage with the child. After that, the child will improve himself, using sports equipment or simulators, will continue to improve and develop dynamic skills, and add other, more complex, requiring the availability is already basic.

A lack of physical activity in early childhood. How it affects children development

A lack of physical activity in early childhood could bring many health problems. A few of such problems could be excess body fat, weight gain, high blood pressure, bad cholesterol, cardiovascular diseases and bone health problems. The health benefits of physical activities outweigh the negatives. Children who do take part in physical activities tend to have fewer chronic health problems. They are less prone to getting sick. They have a significantly reduced risk for various diseases which also includes heart diseases, diabetes, obesity, depression and mental illness.

So if your child is not taking part in any physical activity right now then you should ensure that he/she does take part in one. This would help them lead a better life now and in the future.

Boston Infant Trainer can help your child grow up healthy, strong and intelligent. Boston Infant Trainer knows how to help your children in their development. Contact us for 50% off your introductory session in Boston, Massachusetts area.