Why Infants Need Regular Massage and Exercises?

 I would love to share the main purpose and importance of a child’s physical development during the first year of his or her life. Infant massage, exercises and swimming are your tools to help your baby grow up healthy, strong and intelligent.

The importance of the first year of children’s life.

During the first year of life, a human body doubles in size. Additionally, all the organs and various systems of the body are in intense development. No greater change occurs than in the first year of life! Our bodies need a greater amount of resources than at any other time in our lives.
Everything is about the speedy delivery and quality of the baby’s blood. Blood brings nutrition to every cell, allowing the organs and various systems to develop. Blood delivers oxygen to the brain which relays signals to the rest of the body.

Infant massage and excersises is a great tool for child’s development

Every child is born with muscle hypertonicity meaning that the distance between the muscle fibers is nearly non-existent. This can slow down a baby’s development but during special infant training sessions, the muscle fibers relax. This allows blood to flow more speedily and has an extremely positive overall affect on the child’s development for the whole life. Boston Infant Trainer can help your child grow up healthy, strong and intelligent. Contact us for 50% off your introductory session in Boston, Massachusetts area.